COVID Day 6: Respect for Families

(I am unable to upload video with hotel internet speeds tonight 😭. Tomorrow plan B)
Today was a day off of hospital duties. Sadly it was a very cool blustery day, so no hike for me. But I’ve been super curious to visit a cemetery. There are several huge cemeteries in every little piece of this suburban patchwork. Most of them are closed right now, but I found one I could walk in. Many Slavic names on the stones. And a handful of newer small headstones. The newer stones were decorated with many bright colored silk flowers, balloons and candles. Felt very Hispanic.

In that space I really felt the depth of grief and disconnect these COVID families are suffering. The inability to be next to the family member when they die. And to not see them after death either. How do you deal with closure?

So as I wandered through the rows of stone, I felt into their sorrows and frustrations. Respecting their needs and pain. And sending prayers for connection after death. Many people have shared their stories with me of their passed loved one coming to them in dreams. Feeling their presence in the room. Thinking they hear their voice. This happens every day. They aren’t crazy. It’s for real. Hospice booklets include this information, so family members will understand that the afterlife connections are normal and a way to find peace with the emptiness.

And so I give my Respects. And prayers. For further connections. And peace.

Nancy Salmons