Quarantine DAY 53: SO Done šŸ˜¢

Trying REALLY hard to avoid all the chaotic fear bullshit out there. HA! People literally send me these ā€˜home testsā€™ that people are doing on masks, to try and prove how wrong I am. I DO NOT listen to ā€˜home testingā€™ experiments!!!!!! REAL Scientific studies THANK YOU KINDLY šŸ¤“

And why do people keep trying to convince me that Iā€™m wrong about whatā€™s happening in hospitals?!!!! Video after video sent to me of ā€˜doctorsā€™ and ā€˜nursesā€™ stating they were in the COVID hospitals, describing the horrific care. With all the blame on healthcare workers. I truly believe these people must be actors. Such absolute BS!

But Why??!! Why do they send me these bits of ā€œknowledgeā€? Because they donā€™t want to believe a virus is causing havoc. They want to blame a person. They want to blame the doctors. The hospitals. The nurses. The horrid care COVID patients are apparently getting from non-licensed staff.

So, if I breakdown and admit that theyā€™re right. Then. Then they know who to blame. Then their FEAR - turned into ANGER - will be legitimized.

Guess what?
The loss of friends/family/co-workers, jobs, businesses, and normal routines of schools, offices, leisurely strolls without a mask.
ANGER is all up in that Grieving thing.

For me . . . OMG. NOW. NOW that my assignment is finished. NOW all the emotions are running through!!!!!! All the emotions of a million things this year. Because Iā€™m allowing them to flow through like water.

TODAYā€™s theme is ANGER šŸ˜”

Iā€™ve had it with ā€œfriendsā€ suggestions and conspiracy theories. Thick boundaries to avoid anybody elseā€™s ā€œdirty water (emotions)ā€ from invading my space. NOT TODAY!

And tomorrow may look completely different. But Iā€™m committed to letting the Water flow through this week. And recognizing. What needs to flow out with it.

Nancy Salmons