Quarantine Day 29: Peruvian Ceremony for George & Our Future
Today’s telecast Memorial included 8min 46sec of Silence. I chose to silently perform an indigenous style Peruvian Memorial during the powerful Silent minutes. I ingrained my Memorial and Intentions on paper - Thank you to his Mama on ‘the other side’, that came to help him cross over. And my prayerful Intention for Changes to the Justice System now. This year! Accountability. And that All Will Be Heard.
My ceremony began with digging a small hole, a container, in the earth. In providing offerings of blue cornmeal, tobacco and waters I Honor Mother Earth, knowing that she is the container that holds all waters and nutrients for our growth. The Earth Mother also composts our old matter, through the mycelium and bugs in the soil, to valuable rich nutrients for new life (trees, plants, waterways, animals). So I honor her gifts and life. And also call on her abilities to transform. This is called Sacred Reciprosity. Honoring and giving always comes first.
I also chose to burn my rainbow paper. Allowing the fires to shift and transmute. And well. I secretly LOVE to burn things! Sending the smoke of all these prayers to the heavens as well.
What are your desires and prayers in this VERY important SHIFTING time???
Now is a REALLY good time to clarify. And act.