Quarantine Day 9: Wonderment
Nerd ALERT! Looking up to the skies for a broader view tonight. Watching the International Space Station fly over!
Most importantly. Stepped out of the house quarantine. To the backyard!! Clearing some of the images and words of hate, fear, frustration, stupid and anger that seem to permeate anything I try to read online.
AHA! I remember now! There is a vast Universe out there. On the ISS they are constantly conducting research to better our world. Astronauts collaborating from various countries. Countries that we seem to be in conflict with down here on this planet. But scientist are up there working together anyways. Oh yes. Scientist down here on this planet are in collaborative efforts right now too.
The politicians and bots keep us believing the ‘others’ are against us. Stirring up dissent and discord. But now I REMEMBER. That’s like 10% of the population. The ‘other’ 90% are moderate, collaborative, peaceful humans. Trying to take care of their selves, family and communities. In the best way they know.
How can I counter the nasty ‘other’ beliefs settling in? What can I do?
First I can look up. And remember. There is such a vast Universe to be curious about! And give Gratitude 🙏
P.S. You can see the ISS flyover too. To find times over your location, go to https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/sightings/index.cfm
You are welcome ☺️🌈