Quarantine Day 2.2 BLUES
In my attempts to Not drip Eeyore Blues on my quarantine household . . . we went to the Woods. To walk. To lie on the grass. To breathe. To cry.
Still reeling from shock of COVID in the family. Each family members’ lives completely rearranged, as quarantine began yesterday. Some not allowed to work. Grands not allowed in daycare. Momma trying to readjust to working from home + KIDS UNDERFOOT 😩. Clients cancelled. Trips cancelled. Haircuts cancelled.
And our sick one trying to stay far from us in the home. Yet needing to talk in that raspy coughy voice, that is IMPOSSIBLE to understand under a face mask 😷
Hopefully this will simply be two weeks of inconveniences and stress. And all will be well 🤞
I promise I’ll talk tomorrow. I’ve needed a couple of days to let the shock settle in.