Water Prayers Clean my Brain
I am so trying to let go of being upset with certain people. But then. There it is again! Conversations popping back up in my brain. Damn it!!! Go away!!
And in the meantime my head hurts! Brain pressure. Muscles weak. And completely wiped of energy.
Last night I was determined! The end of the Moon cycle. I have to let go of this story that’s eating my energy!!! What is my story? What is under the frustration? And why does my brain keep pushing the Repeat button? 😩
So I started by writing down my frustration. Summarized the conversations. The late night awakening calls. The repeated non-follow through.
Then offered a prayer of gratitude to the Waters. I asked for clarity and cleansing. Clean out any Blocks I have to LISTENING and Hearing the Truth of my Story. Restore TRUST in RECEPTIVITY.
And with this prayer I began floating with calm Waters.
It took a few minutes to really relax. I had to Trust the Waters to hold me first. A falcon flew overhead. Dragonflies danced by in swirly flight. Cicadas buzzed in the background. And gradually each tight muscle let go. To float WITH the Water. With Life.
I gave. And they kept asking for more. I gave more. And they asked for more. I gave more. Maybe too much. Because I liked being asked. Being trusted. Being appreciated.
And because my ego felt I was appreciated for my knowledge . . . I started getting attached to the Results. I expected my advice and knowledge to be followed. Of course ultimately ending with incredible results (since my advice is so Based in a deep pool of knowledge and wisdom). Bingo. The hook.
Shit. I’ve done it again. Got attached to results. Which added huge expectations on this person’s actions. Which I have no control over.
Keep riding with the Water. No need to tense up. This is the answer to my prayer. The knowledge I sought.
Now. I let each expectation. From each day of the Story come forward. And let each piece slide from the front of my head, down into the Waters. Water dissolving each unmet expectation, every conversation, the awakening calls, the attitudes, the unchanged situation into a pool of calm.
My headache abates. My energy returns. Once again I can smile and play.
Thank you Waters. Again
Let the New Moon dreams come. I can Hear again 😉