Calling in Angels
Another family member now has Positive COVID test. We knew it would read positive. But seeing it in Bright Red BOLD font is harsh.
I’ve been in nurse role every day since I left my ICU job in New Jersey. It’s a lot trickier when it is family members!! But here we are. Every day I check in with symptoms, medications, herbs, nutrition and oxygen levels. Because I KNOW there is so much more you can do than “Stay at home. And go to ER if you have trouble breathing”.
And yet, at times, I add my non-nursing skills to the Healing process provided via my Shamanic Healing practices. In this ceremony I lay down a foundation of Bay leaves, infused with prayers. Then a circle of blue cornmeal, representing community of resources to hold this family. Next I lay tobacco from east to west and north to south. Calling in the spirits of each direction.
This basket holds smaller bowls for each member of this particular family. Each represented with artifacts. When they need extra energy to make it through challenging times, when jobs are shifting, when someone’s sick, when one is in need of extra emotional support . . . I spend time with their basket. Offering prayers, waters, sage clearing and sometimes alcohol ☺️
We all need extra support through all the small transitions that hit us upside the head unexpectedly. Ceremonial practice (action) provides a way to really ground the ‘stuff’ that bubbles up. And brings so much more power to our prayers!